Forward Fellowship is a
church founded on Biblical Principles. Our goal is
to reach the City of Miami through our dynamic
contemporary service, outreach to the community, and
sharing the love of Christ.
We are a ministry
built on compassion and fellowship. Whether you are
a new believer, have been serving God many years, or
have never set foot inside a church, you will feel
welcomed and loved.
At Forward Fellowship we
are dedicated to teaching the word of God and
bringing families closer together. Our focus is
seeing lives changed and restored as we connect with
God and one another.
The Bible:
We believe the Bible is the inspired
word of God without error in its original
manuscripts and it reveals God’s will for the
salvation of man. It is the final authority for
faith and life, providing instruction, comfort, and
hope for all of mankind.
There is only one true God, creator of all things
who and exists in three distinct persons: Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit. Each is equally God and is
completely worthy of our worship and honor.
Jesus Christ:
We believe Jesus is the son of God who became flesh
in order to reveal God to man. In becoming man, He
did not cease to be God. He is fully God and fully
man united in one person. He was conceived by the
Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus lived
a sinless life and died on the cross as an ultimate
sacrifice for our sins. He was buried and physically
arose from the dead, ascended into heaven and is
seated at the right hand of the Father.
The Holy Spirit:
The ministry of the Holy Spirit is
to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the primary
agent for the conviction of sin and for the
regeneration of the believing sinner. Simultaneously
with salvation, the Holy Spirit empowers the
believer for Godly living and service and securely
seals the believer unto the day of redemption.
We believe that man was created by God in His
own image. He was created to glorify, worship, and
serve Him. Man fell into sin by disobeying God and
is therefore lost and separated from Him. Man cannot
save himself nor come back into a right relationship
with God by his own works.
We believe that the shed blood of Jesus Christ on
the cross and His resurrection provide the only way
for salvation and the forgiveness of our sins. We
believe that salvation is the free gift of God’s
grace. Salvation is only obtained by a person who
repents of his sin, and by faith receives Jesus
Christ as his personal Lord and Savior, thus
becoming a child of God.
The Christian
Life: It is our belief that every
Christian should live for Christ and not for
himself. By obeying the word of God our goal is to
mature spiritually everyday and become more
Christ-like. Through the power of the Holy Spirit
that dwells within us, each believer should strive
to live a holy life and not fulfill the desires of
our flesh. As Christians we are responsible to reach
the lost in this hurting world and disciple them. We
are to bear fruit and serve one another in the love
of our Lord Jesus Christ .
The Church:
We believe that the church is the body of Christ of
which Jesus Christ is the head. It is composed of
those who have received Jesus Christ by faith. The
church is united in Christ by the same spirit and
therefore its members should live in love, harmony,
and unity, helping one another and encouraging one
another as Christ would have us do. As a church, we
are to make Christ known to this lost world and to
make disciples of men, bringing honor and glory to
return of Jesus Christ: We believe
that Jesus Christ will return in the air in a
twinkling of an eye to claim His bride, the church.
He will return again to earth in bodily form,
personally and visibly, to finish human history and
complete God’s eternal plan. He will execute
judgment and usher in His millennial kingdom. |