I'm so glad that you found us on the web and hope that after exploring here, you will come to see us in person! It is my sincere desire that Forward Fellowship Church becomes a place where you connect with God and others. Here at Forward God is worshipped and honored through relevant messages centered in His Word, and people with whom you can build lasting authentic relationships. We strive to become more like Jesus every day and want to live in a way that demonstrates how much God loves us by extending His compassion and truth locally and globally.

I pray you will join us on this journey and that Forward Fellowship will provide you with meaningful opportunities to connect with others who share this vision. If you’re just beginning to explore how God may be relevant in your life, we want to meet you on that path. If you’re a committed Christian who wants to grow deeper in your faith, we want to support and nurture that desire. May your encounters here serve to draw you nearer to Christ, and may you be blessed by a sense of God’s presence in this community. We aim to be an warm, caring, friendly, inclusive and supportive community. Our discipleship goes beyond Sunday morning worship, however! At Forward Fellowship you will find committed Christians and friends of Jesus who are growing in their faith while serving both the church and community in various ways.

I invite you to discover for yourself what makes Forward Fellowship both unique and awesome by participating with us in worship and fellowship! I trust you’ll find Forward Fellowship Church a place you can call home!

I look forward to meeting you soon!

Rev. David Pereira
- Senior Pastor, Forward Fellowship Church



